©John Osborn 1999-2002
The Beach a quick tour of the seashore!
The Beach in Plakias is one long bay. In front of the village, it has a lot of pebbles, and is certainly not at it’s best. However, if you walk east you can follow the road right along the bay. The beach gets better as you walk along, and there is a lot more sand. At the far end, the cliffs provide a nice area for snorkelling too. I took this from the back of the beach, at the east end.
The beach is rarely crowded, and you can always find a fairly quiet spot somewhere. There are several showers along the way, which is a nice way of getting the salt off before getting back to the serious business of sunbathing. But beware, the gentle breeze tends to make you underestimate how strong the sun is.
The sea is fairly safe for swimming – usually there are no currents or anything nasty. There are rare occasions when the sea gets very rough. This is great for fools (like me) who like to make a total idiot of themselves in the waves – but look out for the kiddies then, as the waves can get nasty.
And if you want to get an all over tan, make your way to the far end, where it’s been ‘clothing optional’ for years and the majority of the folks there happily discard their swimwear.
One other warning - if you go snorkelling around the rocks, look out for the black urchins. The spikes are nasty if you stand on them - but not life threatening!
More information about: The Donut Man
From the far end of the beach, looking towards the town
From the back of the east end (naturist area)
Down by the water, looking towards the town.